Matt's Blog

My blog about tech and stuff.

Ingesting logs into Loki

2025-01-27 Observability

Here is the standard Loki log processing flow that I use for my logs.

The pipeline is comprised of the following stages:

  • adding job label (so that I can query all logs ingested from files)
  • add directory label (by obtaining the directory name from the filename label)
  • packing the filename label into the log entry using the stage.pack stage (reducing cardinality of the labels, querying can be done by the directory label)
  • adding hostname and agent_hostname labels to the logs (agent_hostname refers to the machine running the agent, hostname is obtained from the logs. This is not implemented on my Windows Agent configuration, but it is designed for situations where agent might be handing logs from other sources, for example, syslog or event log)
  • dropping the computer label
  • dropping logs older than 1 hour (aligns with server side configuration to minimize errors)

All file logs enter at the loki.relabel.file.receiver, Windows event logs enter at the loki.relabel.default.receiver.

loki.relabel "default" {
  forward_to      = []

  rule {
    action        = "replace"
    replacement   = constants.hostname
    target_label  = "hostname"
  rule {
    action        = "replace"
    replacement   = constants.hostname
    target_label  = "agent_hostname"

  rule {
    action        = "labeldrop"
    regex         = "computer"

loki.process "final" {
  forward_to      = [loki.write.default.receiver]

  stage.drop {
    older_than  = "1h"
    drop_counter_reason = "line_too_old"

loki.relabel "file" {
  forward_to      = [loki.process.file.receiver]

  rule {
    action        = "replace"
    replacement   = "file"
    target_label  = "job"

  rule {
    action        = "replace"
    regex         = "(.*)\\\\.*"
    replacement   = "$1"
    target_label  = "directory"
    source_labels = ["filename"]

loki.process "file" {
  forward_to      = [loki.relabel.default.receiver]

  stage.pack {
    labels = ["filename"]
    ingest_timestamp = false
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